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Annual National Report on the Sex Lives of Young Canadians
Launch Year
Our annual Sex Lives Report’s mission is to tell a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of the lives of Canadian youth
Sex Lives Report is an annual report delivered by LetsStopAIDS, in collaboration with the Angus Reid Group, where 1000+ young Canadians are surveyed across Canada. From the impact COVID-19 pandemic to the current sex-ed system, each edition digs deep into how the lives of Canadian youth are changing.
Our research has a common bottomline, the conventional methods of addressing sexuality are obsolete, more so in today's age that values equality, diversity, and respect. The omnipresence of social media, emerging online behaviours, and the tide of misinformation only add layers of complexity to this issue.
We discovered that Sex-Ed is an important part of this equation. While the UN recognizes comprehensive sexual education as a human right, our report indicates that its implementation is often flawed and inadequately addresses key topics, leaving youth uncertain about navigating their sexual journeys.
SexLivesReport journey
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Sexual Behavior of Young Canadians
In 2022, we had a realization. As Canada’s Largest Youth-HIV charity, LetsStopAIDS is in a unique position to take the pulse on the sexual wellness of Canadian youth and how they are navigating the stressors of their daily lives. We knew that the pandemic had a disruptive effect on a lot of youth, but we wanted to conduct our own research in order to reveal the actual extent of this impact.
LetsStopAIDS released the inaugural Sex Lives Report in an effort to gauge the sexual and mental wellness of Canadian youth following the global pandemic. Our research uncovered some startling revelations: Canadian youth were having less sex, using less protection, sending more nudes, and were actively concerned about their mental health. By conducting this research and uncovering these trends, we were able to tailor our programmes to be more informed and better prepared for engaging young people in HIV prevention and safer sex practices.
The Impact of Sex-Ed on the Sexual Behavior of Young Canadians
The first edition of the Sex Lives Report made waves upon its release. Our report was broadcasted to millions across Canada, and was featured in over 300 media outlets including the National Post, Toronto Star, CTV, and more. This overwhelming reception made one thing clear: Canada was interested in what the youth had to say, and there was an urgent need for more research of this kind.
In 2023, we decided to turn our attention to a topic that has been previously ignored – the state of Sex-Ed in Canada. Our findings indicated there is an urgent need for a sex-positive & comprehensive approach to Sex-Ed. In addition to our printed report, LetsStopAIDS released a video campaign titled “We’ve Got Questions” demonstrating the effects that this knowledge gap was having on our youth.